
Friday, August 28, 2020

Why Plastic Pollution Is A Global Problem

 Why Plastic Pollution Is A Global Problem

Plastic pollution is causing the death of most marine life, like seagulls, turtles, sharks, dolphins, and whales. And without these animals the Ocean will not be able to survive. Like sharks that eat the fish, and this stops the Ocean having too many fish.

Plastic pollution is causing sea life to die so people are killing the fish. And at this rate there are not going to be any fish in the ocean for us to eat.

In 2015 whales started dying because of plastic pollution.  Now over 200,000 whales have died because of this, it is not a nice environment for them to live in. Just imagine, you get up every morning and to get to the other room you had to climb over lots of plastic. Not many people would like to live like that. But this is how a lot of animals are living. That is why we should not litter, because it will reflect badly on us and kill a lot of marine life.    

Plastic pollution is one of the world’s biggest problems and we need to fix it as soon as possible. Or eventually it will kill our planet. 

We could work on reducing the amount of plastic we use daily to help all our animals. Live happy plastic-free lives. And that means that they can live a healthier life.

By Tamzyn

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

working with my buddy to make

I found it challenging working with my buddy. 

 Favorite tv show 


Character      setting

1) Snoke:       classroom 

4) Bogey:             

2) Loge:

3) Morgue:

Snoke:  my favorite tv show has a new season out. You all should come and watch it at my house tonight. 


 Loge:  What show is it?

Snoke: The wiggles.

Morgue: Ew we only watch Dora the Explorer that is why we know how to say some Spanish - Hola.

Bogey: I can not come. It is the night we are going to Fiji for my 12th Birthday day. 

Snoke: Oh, that's sad, I will watch by myself then.

Morgue:  Just keep in mind that Dora the Explorer is better.

Loge: ok what is better about it.

Morgue: it has spanashie.

Bogey: stop fighting about which tv show is better, they are both very different.

Morgue:  you are wrong about everything just go home.

Bogey goes home without saying anything.

Loge: stop being so mean. 

Morgue: sorry didn't mean to burst your bubble.

Loge: that is not ok I am going now 

Morgue:  want to watch the wiggles you little baby.

Loge goes home and Morgue says there sad

The next day.

Morgue: Hi loge, I'm sorry about what happened last night.

Loge: Itś ok but you should really say sorry to Bogey he is feeling really sad.

Loge: I'll call him to come over.

A few minutes later.

Bogey: Hi everyone.

Loge, Morgue: Hi Bogey.

Morgue: Bogey I am really sorry about what I said to you last night, I'm sorry.

Bogey: It's ok I forgive you.

Morgue: Ok we are all friends again.

4 Days later.

Loge: Hi everyone.

Bogey,Morgue, Snoke: Hi Loge.

Loge: We have had a few days of ruff things going on.

Bogey: yes 

Morgue: We all know.

Snoke: It is all going behind us now guys ok.

Bogey, Morgue, Loge: Ok it's all behind us now.

Sonke: I have found a new tv show that looks cool and fun to watch.

Loge: what is it, Snoke.

Sonke: Free Rain.

Morgue: I have seen the trailer of it. There are so many episodes.

Loge: That is like Christmas, Valentine, Easter and much more.