This week we have been learning about refugees this is some of the work I have done.
Write your own definitions of the following words BEFORE READING the article. During and after the reading, you may wish to revise (change) your definitions.
Look at the pictures of Rez under the desk and Rez in a New Zealand bedroom. Discuss the contrast between the two images. (DO WITH TEACHER GROUP).DONE;
What helped Rez and her family to settle in New Zealand and what made it more difficult? Rez playing sports helped a lot, and Rez getting bullied did not help much.
What do you think would have been the biggest challenge for Rez in her new school? In her new country? I think the biggest challenge for them was when Rez was getting bullied and not fitting in.
What features in the pictures help to show what the characters are thinking and feeling?
(Insert text and images from the story and add screenshots, photographs, and speech bubbles to support what you say)
What are the benefits of telling a story in a graphic format? Are there any disadvantages? There are no disadvantages but it made the story a lot better because you could see their emotions.
Was this the best way of telling Rez’s story? Why do you think that?
Yes, I do think it is the best way because the pictures give a lot of emotion.